Colour customisation of your login-modul

You want colour customisation of your login-modul to match perfectly with your personal jimdo color concept? Just get our extension by using the text box „order annotations“ during the check-out process to forward the color code you want (RGB- or HEX-format).


Examples RGB-format:

(255,0,0) = red | (0,255,0) = green | (0,0,255) = blue


Examples HEX-format:

#FF0000 = red | #00FF00 = green | #0000FF = blue


Please note:

This extension only works if you already use our jimdo login-module.

Colour customisation of your login-modul

28,56 €

  • verfügbar | Available
  • 1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit | Delivery by E-Mail within 1-3 days

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